16 January 2009

Powerlifting beckons...

I'm going to start gearing my training toward strength gains.

This is because I'm going to enter a Virtual Meet competition at some point this year. Not sure when yet, depends on how the training goes.

First ever session of multiple singles tonight (deadlift)...

Just realised that this kind of negates much of my first post of 2009... never mind... let's see if I can stick to it.

9 January 2009

Box squats on the horizon...

Due to a combination of gym closure and the tiredness of returning to work after Christmas, I have still not begun training for 2009. Not good...

The good news, however, is that I have decided to try box squats. Today I purchased 3.6m (nearly 12 feet) of 2x4 wood and a bag of nails. I intend to construct my own box.

Watch this space...

2 January 2009


After suffering with a virus for most of November and December, I have been resting for the last couple of weeks, and am planning my return to the weights for Saturday 3 January with a series of break-in workouts.

I am going to continue with my classic full-body workout, every four days, but with the addition of a set of pull-ups.

I am also going to persevere with the double progression method, whereby weight is only increased once a set rep range is satisfactorily completed. For instance, if an exercise calls for 50kg to be used across a range of 5 to 10 reps, the first workout will be 50 x 5, increasing by a rep each time until 50 x 10 is achieved. The next workout will then be 52.5 x 5.

Two training goals for 2009:

1. Consistently maintain an element of cardiovascular exercise in my routine to improve conditioning and fitness, control fat buildup and assist general recovery. Run every four days.
2. Continue to prioritise the overhead press as the main upper body exercise in my routine.