20 June 2008

Achy morning

Completed another 10 rep session last night.

Had to reduce my bench press weight to around 50% of my max to complete the three sets. At least now I have found my working poundages. Interestingly, I found that the final third of the lift (where the triceps come into play most) seemed to fatigue more quickly than my chest.

Perhaps I should do some board presses?

Overhead presses were very tough after the bench too.

15 June 2008

Bench press personal best

Yesterday, after my 3 rep workout (which went well) I tried singles in the bench and squat.

I squatted 120kg fairly easily. I could do more, but this is the most weight I have used when going below parallel.

I benched 132.5kg, touch and go. This is a personal best. Video above: not the best angle, but you get the idea.

6 June 2008

Barbell rows - underhand or overhand?

Is it better to do barbell rows with an overhand or underhand grip?

Here is some recent discussion on the matter.

I have been doing underhand for some time now, but think I am going to start factoring in some overhand for variety.

Update: I tried overhand yesterday, and found that it placed a greater strain on the grip.

4 June 2008

Another 10

Did another 10's workout last night.

I am getting closer to the right weight for each exercise, although I still over-estimated my strength-endurance on the bench press.

No room for ego with this!