22 July 2008

Mental note

Remember to keep feet together and pointing straight when doing the stiff legged deadlift.

19 July 2008

Mini-cycle update

I just completed the '100 per cent' workout in my mini-cycle.

All target reps completed.

Now to push on.

7 July 2008

New shoes

I was recently in need of new shoes in which to train.

Does it matter, I hear you ask, what footwear you choose to lift in?

Short answer: yes. A lot.

After reading an article on weightlifting shoes on ExRx, I was inspired to go for a pair of Chuck Taylors for my training. They appealed to my love of old-fashioned simplicity and my natural frugality.

Two workouts in they are proving comfortable, stable and supportive. Perfect.

2 July 2008

A change

Following a period of mild illness and a short holiday, I have had some time to re-think my training.

I feel that going 'full-bore' all the time is too much for my recuperative abilities, no matter how careful I am with rest and recovery.

Whilst I was on holiday, I took the time to re-read some of Stuart McRobert's excellent writings and have come to the conclusion that now is the time to begin cycling training intensity.

Watch this space...