13 August 2008

First ever intensity cycle

I completed my first ever training cycle yesterday.

I started with the following 100 per cent workout targets, although it was a little difficult since I had to estimate many of them, based on current form:

Squat 80kg x 20
Stiff legged deadlift 80 x 10
Barbell row 75 x 5
Bench press 105 x 5
Military press 60 x 5

I began on 3 July with an 85 per cent workout and then completed 90, 95 and 97.5 per cent efforts, before the 100 per cent on 18 July. I then made four workouts into new ground, and could have gone further if I did not have a holiday planned which will force a two week break.

In my final workout I completed the following:

Squat 87.5 x 17 (did 85 x 20 in previous workout)
Stiff legged deadlift 90 x 10
Barbell row 82.5 x 5
Bench press 112.5 x5
Military press 67.5 x 5

I feel that these numbers are more representative of my base level, than my first estimates, so I am eager to see how I can progress after my break.

When I return, I plan to insert a mini-cycle again and then may split up the squat and deadlift once I get into the 'new ground' workouts.

I think that cycling workout intensity is exactly what my training needed, and am quite excited about how it will help me achive my goals.

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