18 May 2008

False start?

I decided to change my weight training regime, and add more volume on the basic exercises. It also seemed like a good enough excuse to start a new training blog.

It's not like I was using isolation exercises before

Here is the proposed workout, to be done in a sequence. I have drawn much of my inspiration for this from Keith Wassung's
Timed Total Tonnage schedule (although I am not changing the weight with each set, and I am not timing yet).

Of course, it is also similar to Bill Starr's
5x5 program, from his 1976 text The Strongest Shall Survive: Strength Training for Football.

Workout 1
Squat - 10, 10, 10 with 75kg
Stiff legged deadlift - 10
Rows - 10, 10, 10 with 55kg
Bench press - 10, 10, 10 with 85kg
Incline shrugs - fail
Press - 10, 10, 10 with 50kg

Workout 2
Squat - 5, 5, 5 with 100kg
Stiff legged deadlift - 10
Rows - 5, 5, 5 with 70kg
Bench press - 5, 5, 5 with 100kg
Incline shrugs - fail
Press - 5, 5, 5 with 55kg

Workout 3
Squat - 3, 3, 3 with 110kg
Stiff legged deadlift - 10
Rows - 3, 3, 3 with 75kg
Bench press - 3, 3, 3 with 105kg
Incline shrugs - fail
Press - 3, 3, 3 with 65kg

In addition to the above, each workout will include abdominal and calf work.

So, I turn up at the gym for my first stab at workout 1. I attempt to squat with 90kg (3 x 10) and halfway through the third set I realise I have pushed my lower back too far. Nothing too serious. I have to stop my workout and go home though. Legs plenty strong enough, lower back needs conditioning. I like to squat below parallel, you see.

Very frustrating. Have now cut the weight right back to 75kg and will try again in a few days, once my back has recovered.

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