21 May 2008

First 10

Just returned from my first 10 rep workout.

It was very hard because I have next to no strength endurance and rested less than I normally would.
Squat - 10, 10, 10 with 75kg (completed sets, lower back survived, just)
Stiff legged deadlift - 10 with 65kg (completed)
Barbell rows - 10, 10, 10 with 55kg (completed)
Bench press - 10, 10, 10 with 85kg (managed 10, 7, 6)
Incline shrugs - fail with 38kg dumbells
Press - 10, 8, 6.5 with 50, 40, 40kg (had to drop weight after first set)

I need to drop the weight a little next time on the bench and overhead press, so that the initial sets are a little easier.

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